Whether you are already running live sessions or plan to do so in the future, recording those sessions is crucial, here’s why:
As we discussed in some of our previous blogs, video on-demand has become extremely relevant in the fitness industry, and more and more people are looking for it and with good reason.
That sounds good, but what benefits can you get?

1. It helps you keep clients
First, this doesn’t just help you, your clients will also benefit from recorded live sessions since not everyone can make it at that particular time, or sometimes they may want to do it again in their own time. Even if your clients have schedule conflicts with your classes, you won’t lose them because they can just watch it later when they have the chance, everybody wins!

2. You can use it to promote your business
A free video will allow people to experience your service without having to join, which can greatly increase the number of clients you get because they get to try it before pulling the trigger. It doesn’t even need to be a complete session, you can just have a 10 minute video that gives them a sneak peak at what they can get.
Not only that, you can also create a short clip and promote it on social media so you reach a lot of new people.

3. It’s an easy way to generate passive income
That’s right! Unlike all the work that goes into your live sessions, recording them is very simple. You just use the native recording options that platforms like Zoom have built in or a third party option like OBS. It only takes a few clicks to start recording and then just upload it after you’re done.
By doing that, you can generate a passive income with video on-demand memberships, renting or selling videos individually without having to create extra content. Fitune allows you to do exactly that in just a few minutes, all you have to do is go to the Video on-demand tab and click on Add video, choose a nice thumbnail and title and you’re good to go!

Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Start getting the maximum potential out of your business with video on-demand. Not a Fitune customer yet? Sign up for free here.