Take control over booking times and avoid surprises

Simplify the complexity of planning and organizing your events and classes with Fitune’s Booking Window. Set reservation open and close times to ensure your clients have time to book in advance, say goodbye to overbooking and unexpected last minute bookings while making the most of your capacity.

A group of people in an indoor exercise class, engaged in what appears to be a dance-based workout. They are spread out across a spacious room with a wooden floor and large mirrors on the wall, which are common features of a dance studio or gymnasium. The participants are dressed in casual, comfortable workout attire, which varies from person to person. One individual stands out in the foreground, wearing a bright blue polka-dotted skirt and red high-top sneakers, which add a playful element to her outfit. The class participants are in motion, suggesting a lively, energetic atmosphere typical of such fitness classes
A user interface section titled "Advanced" with settings for managing online bookings for an event. It shows an option to set the number of available spots for online booking, currently set to 20, and a booking window setting that defines how far in advance clients can schedule for the event. The interface indicates that bookings can be made at any time and must be done at least 48 hours before the event start time

Booking Window: Closing Time

Show your clients when class bookings will close for your regular classes and special events, allowing them enough time to plan their attendance, and you, to prepare.

Manage exceptions

If the booking window closes but a client still wants in, you can manually add them from your calendar, adding flexibility to your booking options and maximizing your capacity and revenue.

The image shows a "Schedule overview" for an event titled "Running at the woods" scheduled for Saturday, 06 January 2024 from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM, located at "The Woods" and marked as a free event. There is an option to view the event's page and share it. The interface includes functionality to add a client to the event, with a search bar for client names. Below, the booking status indicates that 1 out of 10 available spots have been booked, with no one on the waiting list or any cancellations. There is one attendee listed
The image shows a weekly schedule interface for a fitness or wellness center, with the time zone set to Mexico - Monterrey. It covers the week from Monday, January 15 to Sunday, January 21. The schedule lists "Intermediate Pilates" classes at 9:00 AM from Monday to Friday, each lasting 50 minutes, but there are no classes scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. Additionally, there's a "New Year meditation" event scheduled for Friday at 4:00 PM. Each class has a tag indicating it's free, and the number of spots available for booking is shown (0 out of 10 for Pilates and 0 out of 20 for the meditation event). There is also a class at 10:30 AM from Monday to Wednesday, with 9 spots available, but the instructor's name is only listed for Monday ("Vicky"). There are options for adding more information or a URL for the events, and the interface includes functionality for attendees to book their spots

Flexible calendar

Create anticipation and excitement among your clients with a custom calendar that allows you to showcase your upcoming classes and events weeks and even months in advance.

Coming Soon

Booking Window: Opening Time

For regular classes and special events alike, let your clients know when booking will commence. Signal the start of something special and secure their participation in advance.

The image shows a woman lying comfortably on a gray couch, using a laptop that's resting on her lap. She appears to be focused on the screen, perhaps working or browsing the internet. She's dressed casually in a striped, long-sleeve shirt and black leggings, with her bare feet stretched out on the sofa. A large window with a light curtain is in the background, contributing to the bright and airy atmosphere of the room. The setting suggests a relaxed, home environment where technology blends into daily living spaces

Who Is This Feature For?

Booking Window Management for events is tailored for gym owners, fitness studio owners, trainers, and fitness instructors who want to streamline their class management and host unique fitness experiences. Whether in person or online, keep your clients excited and engaged.

All in one place, not all over the place

Group classes

Make it simple for your clients to book your classes. Define the days, times and even create complex recurring class schedules with ease.

Available features



Livestream links

Waiting list

Cancelation policy

Membership area

Confirmation email

Express checkout


A screenshot of a fitness gym's weekly class schedule interface. The top banner includes the gym's name 'Workouts Gym' and a navigation menu with options like 'Home', 'Schedule', 'Events', 'Videos', 'Courses', 'Services', and 'Pricing'. There's also a 'My bookings' link and a 'Filters' button. The schedule indicates the timezone as 'London' and displays a calendar with the week starting from 'Mon 02 Jan' to 'Sun 08 Jan', with 'Today, Tue 03 Jan' highlighted. The listed classes for Tuesday include 'Yoga for beginners' at '11:00 AM' for '45 min', taught by 'Jane Cooper', marked 'Workouts Gym Online', priced at £5 with a 'Join' button. Below, a 'Boxing class' at '3:15 PM' for '45 min' by 'Robert Fox', marked 'Workouts Gym', is shown as 'Already booked'. For 'Wed 04 Jan', there's a 'Pilates' class at '3:15 PM' for '45 min' by 'Esther Howard', priced at £5 with a 'Join' button

Group classes

Make it simple for your clients to book your classes. Define the days, times and even create complex recurring class schedules with ease.

Available features



Livestream links

Waiting list

Cancelation policy

Membership area

Confirmation email

Express checkout


A screenshot of the 'Workouts Gym' website schedule page with a clean and modern interface. The page header includes the gym logo and navigation tabs for Home, Schedule, Events, Videos, Courses, Services, and Pricing, along with a 'My bookings' dropdown menu. The main section shows a weekly schedule with the selected date 'Today, Tue 03 Jan' highlighted. Below, a list of classes is displayed with times, duration, and titles including 'Yoga for beginners' at 11:00 AM with Jane Cooper, marked as an online class, and a 'Boxing class' at 3:15 PM with Robert Fox. Each class has an accompanying thumbnail image depicting the activity, and there's a 'Join' button with the price listed as £5. The next day listed is 'Wed 04 Jan' with a 'Pilates' class also at 3:15 PM by Esther Howard, indicated as 'Already booked'. The overall color scheme is a combination of white and shades of blue.

Events, workshops & retreats

Sell small or massive events that may last hours and even days. It's perfect for yoga retreats, marathons, bootcamp & brunch, and more.

Available features



Waiting list

Cancelation policy


Membership area

Recurring events

Confirmation email

Events, workshops & retreats

Sell small or massive events that may last hours and even days. It's perfect for yoga retreats, marathons, bootcamp & brunch, and more.

Available features



Waiting list

Cancelation policy


Membership area

Recurring events

Confirmation email

1 on 1 private

Let clients book (and charge for) 1 on 1 sessions with you.  Eliminating the back-and-forth messages for finding the perfect time.

Available features



Availability tools

Multi staff availability

Cancellation policy


Membership area

Confirmation email

1 on 1 private

Let clients book (and charge for) 1 on 1 sessions with you.  Eliminating the back-and-forth messages for finding the perfect time.

Available features



Availability tools

Multi staff availability

Cancellation policy


Membership area

Confirmation email

Video library
on demand

Show off your content in a stellar Netflix look like video library. Create and organize your on-demand video library and video courses.

Available features

Netflix-style catalog

Membership area

Content Management

Exclusive downloads


Video library on demand

Show off your content in a stellar Netflix look like video library. Create and organize your on-demand video library and video courses.

Available features

Netflix-style catalog

Membership area

Content Management

Exclusive downloads



Create amazing courses once and sell them a thousand times. Organize text lessons, files, videos and classes for clients to follow and complete.

Available features

Text lessons

Video content


Confirmation email

Exclusive downloads



Create amazing courses once and sell them a thousand times. Organize text lessons, files, videos and classes for clients to follow and complete.

Available features

Text lessons

Video content


Confirmation email

Exclusive downloads


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